Make sure you have done the following:
- Received an email invite to join our Slack group, and joined it. Please ensure your Slack profile contains your real first and last name and a recent photo of you—since not everyone knows everyone else, this will help us put faces to names.
- Introduce yourself on the #general channel of our Slack, including (important) posting your GitHub username to the #general channel on Slack, as we often need it to add you to project-specific, non-public GitHub repos, or to the ACELab org on GitHub. (If you don’t have a GitHub account, create one now; it’s free and a life skill/life tool for anyone involved with software at any level, and students even get some premium features for free.)
- If you are not a current UC Berkeley student/affiliate, and you are not on an “international visitor” program: fill out the forms in this zipfile as follows:
- Non-employee data form: leave “employee ID” blank
- Cal 1 Card form: just fill in name and date (not necessary if you’ve worked with us before and already have a Cal 1 Card)
- Patent Acknowledgment: read but don’t sign; you must sign while on campus in the presence of a campus staff person
- Workers Comp form: only fill out bottom part (“to be completed by volunteer”). For “Is volunteer work related to course work”, please indicate no.
- Waiver of liability. If you’re under 18 as of the start of work, your parent or guardian must also sign & date.
- If you’re under 18 as of your first day of work, you must also obtain a work permit (usually from your high school) and include a copy of it.
First day of work/orientation
Please bring all the signed and filled-out forms to your first day of work, plus a $25 personal check (cash is not accepted) made out to “UC Regents” for the Cal 1 card fee if you don’t already have a Cal 1 ID card.  On your first day, you should first come to the lab (360 Hearst Mining Building) so you can:- Fill out a card key access form to make sure you can access the lab itself and the Hearst Mining Building at all hours (your Cal 1 card will serve as your card key). To complete the form you will need to have your Cal 1 card handy, since you must provide the first 6 digits on the back of the card. The form should be signed by Prof. Bjoern Hartmann and submitted to Jennifer in 298 Hearst.
- Verify that you can connect successfully to the CalVisitor Wifi network. (Wired Ethernet connections won’t work for various reasons.) Once your CalNet ID is active, you should be able to login to the Eduroam network.
- We’ll then send you to Krystle Bartholomew (if your last name begins with A-L) or Annette Morales (last names M-Z) in 205 Cory Hall to submit your documentation and the $25 check for your Cal 1 card
Finally, if you are not a current Cal student and/or don’t have a Cal 1 ID card, visit the Cal 1 card office to get your card (your faculty host will give you the signed authorization form you must present)